Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 7

1.      Catch up lesson - Items to be posted to your blog along with comments

Selection              - Black A4 page 300dpi with selected circle, letter S, girl, printer, and at least three other objects of your own choice copied and pasted to the page.
Layers                   - A4 page 300dpi of the class exercise using the images                                      provided.              
                              - A4 page 300dpi of own composition based on a theme.
Clone Tool           - Exercises posted to your blog.
                              - A  altered image of your own choice using the clone tool .
Research work sheet
                              - Principles and Elements of design work sheet completed.
Colourising          - Class colourising of a black and white image provided.
                              - Your own colourised image.
2. Research Photo montage and (in your own words) supply a definition. Your definition should include old and new techniques used and why photomontages were created.
Post your definition, research and at least three examples of old and new photomontages that you find appealing with an explanation of why you like them.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 6

1.       Follow the demonstration by your teacher on the selection tools in Photoshop.
2.       Follow the link below for a repeat on how to use the pen tool for selection in Photoshop.
3.       On the public drive in the class folder is a document with a list of shortcuts used with the pen tool. Open it for reference.
4.       In the same class folder is an image titled circle.jpg. Open it into Photoshop.  
5.       Create a new canvas in Photoshop 21 cm x 29.7cm 300 (pixels/inch) and use the fill tool to create a black background.
6.        Using the pen tool select the circle from the cirle image, convert the path formed by the pen tool into a selection and then copy and paste it across to your new canvas with the black background.
7.       Check to see you have made a correct selection. If there is white showing try again.
8.       Repeat for all the other images in the folder then try your own images.
9.       Have a go at using the other selection tools to select the practice images but only paste across your pen tool selection. You must get proficient with the pen tool.

Week 5

1. After a demonstration from your teacher complete the layers exercise.
Using the images supplied create an abstract layered composition.
Collect images that relate to a selected theme. The images can come from the internet or they can be photos you have taken yourself. Use these images to create your own abstract layered composition.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 4

1. After a demonstration from your teacher complete the Clone tool exercises.
Find two images that you can alter with the clone tool.
Save the images (before/ after) as jpgs and post them to your blog.

2. After a demonstration from your teacher complete the layers exercise.
Using the images supplied create an abstract layered composition.
Collect images that relate to a selected theme. The images can come from the internet or they can be photos you have taken yourself. Use these images to create your own abstract layered composition.

week 3

1. Follow the research links below and fill out the Principles & Elements of design hand out sheet.

2. After a demonstration from your teacher on colourising a grey scale image incorporating the brush tool, brush size, layers, colour selection, opacity and layer mode.

Use realistic colour to colour the grey scale image given to you by your teacher.
Repeat the process with your own selected black and white image.

Save the images as jpgs and post them to your blog.... comment upon them.