Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week 2

1. Observe a quick demonstration from your teacher covering Photoshop basics.
2. Follow the exercises from the Photoshop work sheet hand out.
3. Explore Photoshop by using as many of the tools you have discovered from the work sheet to create the weirdest most bizarre image you can.
You can manipulate an existing image or create one from scratch.
Use this exercise to explore Photoshop or show off your existing skills.
4. Save your final image as a JPG and post it to your Blog.
5. Comment upon your image and list the tools you used.
6. Follow the research links below and fill out the Principles & Elements of design hand out sheet.

extra class exercises

7. layers exercise.
8. Clone tool exercise.


Work on your Blog design.
Create a post and upload a picture.
Make sure you have created a link to your teacher's and fellow students blogs.
Use your blog to submit class exercises, research and idea development for assessment.